How to choose Aquarium Fish

Before buying any Aquarium and fish please know about some important factor ,it is important because every fish have different environment needs .

Gold fish

Some of the factors are written below:

  1. Size :- Obviously in the pet store there can be small fishes ,but do u know some fish grows about 12 inch in one year , so we must ask the pet store how big it gonna growin how much time .so that we have no problem in future for our aquarium pets.
  2. How much fish can be in aquarium :- its said one inch of fish needs 1 liter of water space .so you can do some logical thinking about how much we can put fishes in our aquarium if u have large size Aquarium must keep large number of fish ,and small then small number of fish.
  3. Fish needs special environment :- Before buying in pet store , ask them about the fish environment conditions ,like does this fish is cold water inhabitant or hot water , is it fresh water fish or salt water fish, does this fish needs special food, does this fish eats plants or other fishes,etc
  4. Fish for removing Algae :- Some fishes are very useful ,and everyone should buy a fish pair which can eat Algae , Algae grows in the sides of aquarium,and very difficult to remove , it grows fast , so Algae eater fishes are very useful on this purpose.ex cat fish, bristle-nose or clown plecostomus
  5. Health:- How can you know fish is healthy or sick, when u carefully observe the fish ,first see the body compare it with other same breed fishes , if there is difference in body structure like fins are injured or eyes are not open or over sized, looks like fish is not swimming , just staying in the bottom ,or fishes are hiding .something is wrong with the fish .if fish is swimming diagonally .do not buy it.
  6.  Temper :- The fishes have also temper , they can kill other fish if somebody come in there part of house, so we should ask them about the temper of fish, low temper fish like gold fish etc,are good .but some fish like red tail shark are aggressive in nature. so fish should be low aggressive in nature,or u may find after someday some fishes dying.
How to choose Aquarium Filters 

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