aquarium gravel

Uses of gravel : Plantation , filter for under gravel filter and decoration
Gravel have several important features which helps to maintain water ph value the main functions is its used as medium to secured the live plants  to a base which helps the plants to stick in the ground or bottom of the aquarium during water pressure due to filters .
Gravel also used as medium to filter large chunks of food waste which later filtered by under gravel filters. Gravel is the best decorating material for the aquarium you can buy gravels in several colours & material.

2. Importance of size
Sizes of gravel too big can cause food to trap under beneath it & waste, it can Couse several toxic materials in water which can led to change in aquarium water quality.
The size of the gravel is very important as if the size of gravel is too large can raise several issues. The food which is uneaten by the fish or missed by the fish can lead to affecting water quality. as the waste food material can increase toxicity,  ammonia levels & PH value of water which will degrade the water quality , as the fish needs good PH value in water or fish may die too!. In the other hand if size is too small the weight & small size of the gravel can also create problems for plant as it can create choke effect. It ca stuck to the mouth of fish also.

3.  Good size of the gravel is 3mm diameter, and for aquarium plants to anchor to the bottom, a layer of 5to 8 cm is good.

4. Importance of material. 

Another important thing we should care for is the type of material. Soft edge stones & granite is good material as they are smooth & won't hurt the fins or body parts of fish while swimming.

5. Its usefulness cleaning time & factors.

I use gravel for planting my aquarium. Its create protective layer for my substrates for plants as fish like to dig lol.gravel should be clean by using aquarium water every month because the food material under the bed of gravel should be clean so that there won’t be  algae growth . Gravel is very useful to make Ur aquarium look better & more realistic environment.

6. Substrates 

It refer to medium that the plants will root in & grow.

7.Quality of substrates

It depend on plant to plant some need substrate just for anchoring another need for getting nutrients

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